Manual Pump Trucks

Electric Pallet Trucks

Electric Pallet Stackers

Solutions For Daily Logistic Handling Issues

Electric Pallet Trucks
Small dimensions, great reliability.
Our pallet trucks allow moving loadings from 1400 kg up to 3000 kg with a full safety for the operator. More options available to customize Pallet Trucks. Standard and INOX options available

Electric Pallet Stackers
Designed to fit different applications within almost any type of industry. Ideal solution to stack any type of goods at any height and through every path with a max 6,3 meter lifting height. More options available to customize Pallet Stackers. Standard and INOX options available

Manual Pump Trucks
Designed to fit different applications within almost any type of industry. Ideal solution to move any type of goods on pallets even in tight places with high manoeuvrability and robust Polyurethane wheels. Both Standard and INOX series has a capacity of 2500 and 3000 kg options with different fork lengths.

Order Picker
Growing need picking up goods directly from high shelfs in a platform forced Pegasolift to create our own Order picker that is provided with safety kit that is placed inside the front cabin. It will be easier to pick up heavy goods from high shelves even in public shops as well as in warehouses.

INOX Series
Completely stainless steel range. Ideal for use in harsh environments such as food, pharmaceutical, sea ports and chemical industries. The IP56 protection grade makes them extremely easy to wash and sanitize. All our Manual Pump Trucks, Electric Pallet Trucks, Electric Pallet Stackers have INOX series as an option to meet your needs.